Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe The Plumber needs to Kill Himself...

In brief, I watched some of last night's debate, just wasnt in the mood for that BS. I am all debated out and I knew it would get low brow and 3rd grade after a while and it did. At this point, if you dont know who you are voting for, kill yourself. This one isnt that hard to figure out. You either want something different or something old and crazy! One thing I need to get off my chest though is Joe the Plumber. Basically lets just say it, we KNOW who he's voting for! He's not voting for the brotha, him and half of the pop drinkin Midwest! Especially after FOX News decides to spin his encounter with Barack into a case of "he didnt give you a straight answer." And have you read his veiled responses to last night's debate...yeah he's on board for McCain! I basically say f*ck Joe the plumber, 250,000 a year! He must do alot of weekend work!

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