Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm No Meterologist, But It's Raining BITCHES!!!!

Conservative pundancy is funny s*it, their one line is always to put the blame on all of the country's problems on the shoulders of "liberals" and minorities. With the Vice-Presidential debate last night, Conservatives began bellyaching in advance since they werent sure if Sarah "Stuck on Stupid" Palin was going to come through in a pinch for the home team. Their complaint was not against Obama/Biden but against the moderator Gwen Ifill and a book that she is writing. The book as I am sure you have heard by now is about Politics and Race relating to this historic candidacy of Barack Obama. Michelle Malkin, conservative lighning rod and general all-around blow hard b*tch wrote about this in an op-ed piece at the beginning of the week. Her analysis of the significance of Ifill's upcoming book (due to be released on Inaguration Day) was another rotten egg in the nest of conservatism. It amazes me how and why newspapers still carry her op-ed column. She has been dropped from a number of newspapers across the country including my hometown The Virginian-Pilot .

When she got dropped, one of the editors commented that her discourse does not actually add anything vital to political discussion. In other words, she is basically Ann Coulter, just the Asian version. And to top it all off, she is so self-hating, she told someone that she is not Asian but she is American! Ok, test that theory, go to the deep south and talk to a redneck and see what he calls you. I am sure it will not be American and it wont be a nice name you get called! She is the one who started the whole outrage with Rachel Ray and the scarf that she wore in the Dunkin Doughuts commercial saying the scarf was a terrorist scarf. Now I admit that I cant stand Rachel Ray and her damn EVOO but a terrroist scarf? I think Michelle Malkin forgot to take her crazy pills that morning. So yor contribution to political writing is comparing a Food Network star and her wardrobe for an ad to a terrorist? Get f*cking real, how about this...KILL YOURSELF!!!

Speaking of others who should off themselves, Sarah Palin officially crossed over into bitch land last night! How can you smirk and then start spouting off all of that folksy bulls*it after Biden almost lost it when he talked about his family tragedy? I hate to say it but if that bitch gets in office as VP, we have officially become the dumbest nation on earth! Help me understand how voting on your values is going to lower gas prices, pay for your kids to go to college and help you pay your mortgage? Biden held his cool and got the job done, I hope her got through to independent voters (how they dont know at this point is amazing!) that you should get with Joe and not the bubble head!

Poor Gwen, she was shook last night. All of that hullballoo about her book (which she has not even written the chapter on Obama yet...for the record) really took her off her game. She let Palin get away with her usuall game of duck the question and vomit GOP talking points. Some think this is the last time she will moderate a debate. I disagree, she may sit on the bench for a bit but I think Gwen Ifill will be back in the game, she is a good and respected journalist who had a bad night due to some folks getting their panties in a twist.

How about this, can we stop this downpour of bitchiness!!!!


OG, The Original Glamazon said...

This may be the only time you hear me say this but I wan't one of those Diddy shirts that call fro us to stop the bitchazzness!


the debate, man the debate, I love JB!


The Professor said...

Oh O.G...that is a bit frightening!!