Monday, October 20, 2008

The GOP and the Terrorist Vote

Today has been very busy, two incidents that needed monitoring (one that required management and documentation) made for a crazy Monday that went by kind of quick. The countdown begins, off to San Diego for a conference on Saturday. A long awaited working vacation (probably more vacation than work) which will be good for me right about now.

Everytime I want to blog, this freakin election keeps creeping into my space! A piece of me will be so glad when it is over but I have a bad feeling about all of the potential outcomes. First, as crazy as all of the rhetoric has been you know Skeletor and Gov. Dumbass are going to try to steal this one like ol boy W stole 2. Once we get through all of that then we have to assess what we have to put up with for the next 4, either those two continuing the do-nothing of the last 8 years or getting Barack and PRAYING that nothing happens to him. The GOP has done a great job in stirring up the nut job wing, yet the constantly deny that they had nothing to do with it.

It always intrigues me how the GOP talks so much about terrorists, terrorism etc and put so much emphasis on either "Islamic Terrorism or someone like William Ayers who was a counterculture revolutionary from the 1960's. I guess the GOP forgot about Oklahoma City April 1995 where an American Citizen killed innocent people to send a message about his dislike of the government. I have said over and over that it is imperative that we put our focus back into Afganistan to stop the Taliban and catch Bin Laden but where is the real emphasis on cracking down on real home grown terrorist threats? I guess since Todd Palin was involved in a group that wanted to seceed Alaska from the U.S., maybe that would look bad for the GOP to address REAL terrorism. Since the early periods of our country's history, terrorism has been present. As we became more organized and "civil", this sort of terrorism (Racial=KKK) has been addressed, decried but nothing has been done about it.

In a post 9/11 world, we now focus our attention to making sure that the perpetrators pay the ultimate price for their evil act. The problem now is that the rhetoric has become a referendum on Christian, Democratic beliefs being superior to all beliefs thus setting the stage for more angry attacks by people who actually believe that FOX News is fair and balanced. I hate FOX News, it is the worse thing to happen to our country simply because it broadcasts it's bulls*it to people who CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES!! It amazes me how many people take what is dished out on that network and accept it as gospel truth. Dont get me wrong, I watch the news to be informed (although that is occuring less and less in all media outlets these days) but I actually take the time to process what I hear and try to discern what is relevant and what isn't. These are the folks who want to believe that Obama's affillations are relevant. Really? Do tell!!!

It is these same people who fervently back the GOP, scream idiotic threats at their rallies and pass around Obama Bucks in their GOP meetings. Did you hear about that one? So it appears that a Los Angeles GOP group thought this was "not racist" and funny to pass these around. On CNN, they interviewed a black member of the group and she looked like someone f*cked her cat! She was so hurt, but I wonder was she really that surprised? Yet another lost, black soul...Black Republicans need to realize your values may be the same but the GOP DONT LIKE YOU!!! Just because you moved on up, they still believe that you are the "affirmative action case." Sadly enough, another case of terrorizing voters to believe they will be better off with the GOP and that the black man cant get it done.

So who are the real, relevant terrorists in this country? Seems like if anyone is hanging with and stirring up terrorist sentiments it is the GOP.

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