Thursday, November 13, 2008

Who remembers this...

Ok all my peeps out there, raise your hand if you had a Big Wheel growing up! Were these joints not the bomb! You tried to ride this sucker long after you got too big for it! I hated giving mine up...a tricycle!!! WTF!!! You did wild crazy manuvers with big wheels, rode down hills, up the sidewalk like a freakin mad person on this thing! Thinking back, I think I went through 3 or 4 because all that hard riding led to cracked tires! My brother was worse, he used to ride his through our basketball game and when he did, my cousin would throw the ball at him while he was making that quick get away! Ah, memories!!


Kofi Bofah said...


We've all grown up to bigger and faster toys, though. Hopefully...

OG, The Original Glamazon said...

Man I almost got taken out on my Big Wheel, not so great with blind spots and cars backing up!

I miss it though