Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mental Doo-Doo

Warning: This blog may be a bit more raw than normal. I may say a few things that may be a bit offensive, shocking or both. Proceed at your own risk...

I was talking with my gf who is a High School teacher and I was saying to her that I noticed something while I was driving to work one morning. Is it me or has the "short yellow bus" now become a regular sized bus? That is so not a ringing endorsement of education in our country. But I am a believer in public schools, the government does not put enough resources into our schools to make sure students get a world class education. Where does that begin? Well how about paying teachers a salary they actually can live off of so they can come to work and get some things done. That would be a good start. Oh yeah, and these new aged "helicopter parents", how about you put the fear of God in your kids so they can go in, learn something and not be spoiled brats in the classroom. All of this pressure we are putting on kids to go to Harvard, Yale etc., damn can your kids live!!!!!

The education piece does lead a bit into politics, I am so flabbergasted that the Republicans are behind giving vouchers so lower-middle class families can send their kids to private school? Wow, are you kidding me? I went to private school and guess how I got there...my parents WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF so I could go. It is ironic that the same party in the 1980's led by Ronald Reagan began a big blitz of personal responsibility campaigns where Republican Tucker Carlson-like douchebags in their seersucker suits and bow ties can look down the noses of anyone who worked for a living while these jackasses snorted coke, fucked someone else's wife and sat on their ass and make illegal money on the stock market. I am all for personal responsibility, we would be a much better society if everyone pulled their weight. But what happened to "pulling yourself up by your bootstrap" mentality of the 80's Republican? Is the voucher thing what we call "compassionate conservatism"? Hey, lets give all the poor folks about a grand so their kids can escape failing schools and make themselves better. Something is wrong with that logic: 1. How about taking that money and FIX the failing school(s). No, instead lets bleed money from the schools so kids can go somewhere else! STUPID!!! 2. How far can $1000 take you in private school? I think that will cover the first week, after that, your FUCKED!!!!!

Had to get that out...whew! Well night one of the DNC was interesting, Michelle-O was wonderful and she got rave reviews across the board for her speech. Of course you know that the conservatives had to give the company line about her speech so naturally they had nothing positive to contribute. I really try not to hear what they have to say, although it is good to hear both sides of a debate. What is grinding my gears are these IDIOT Clinton supporters who are threatning to either vote for McCain or not vote at all. If I had any say into that decision, I would say not vote and do me another favor. On Nov 6th, get all the sex you can get. Then on Nov.7th, instead of staying home, go to the hospital and get your tubes tied or get that Vas-D snipped....I so do not want any of you to reproduce ever again in life!! Fucking morons, they are so against Obama they will go vote for McCain. Well, I say if you do just stay on that side of the house! Seems to be working well for Joe Liberman! It amazes me that cons hate that guy and he is for McCain! This election unfortunately is and will continue to bring out alot of ugly truths, truths that alot of us still refuse to accept that race is squarely the main issue. So if it isn't his politics Clinton supporters, what you got left. Obama is a democrat, he is a man, he is a black man...help me understand the hang-up.

McCain has been comical and I am not referring to his late night TV appearances. Those ads are funny and seeing him sitting on his bus with a LARGE cup of Starbucks is quite hilarious! I mean do we really need someone his age overcaffinated and standing near the nuclear launch button? I dont think someone that old should drive or be President. Now, I revere and respect our elders in our society, but hey know your limits. At least McCain rides a bus, I dont think his popularity points would increase if he had to drive. Can you imagine that, him driving a car with his bumper stickers in the left lane of the interstate at 45MPH with the right blinker just going off...not sexy! Wasn't Captain John Smith his first commanding officer in the Navy? And yes, he knew Pocahontas...I bet he poked that hot ass! I jest about his age but this election is just beginning and I am hoping that we start to see how race even in teh most critical election in many years continues to divide us and maybe, just maybe we can become that united vision that Michelle-O talked about last night. This blog took an unexpected turn, will revisit as necessary...thanks for tuning in!


Anonymous said...

This was a funny post. I liked it and was nodding my head in agreement. Pull your self up with your bootstraps does indeed to be a very selective thing.


Hey there!!

I just thought I'd drop by and see your work at this blog!!

My blog is temporarily set to invite-only mode but you can have a peek...since you are down with my girl Shay!! {winks to Shay}
