Monday, August 18, 2008

Insignifcance wins again...

I find it funny that the most insignficant people are the ones that garner the most attention. For example, what is Yahoo's obsession with playing the video of Brooke Hogan giving her views on having a woman for president? If it werent for her dad having his show, she would be just another unknown child of a famous person. (in this case a famous person who should carry his ass home, thus also making him insignificant as well.) Why do we care what Brooke Hogan thinks? Shouldnt we be listening to folks who have something intelligent, insightful and positive to say? There are alot of people who we could theoretically lump into this category, most would think that most (if not all) professional athletes should go into this category. I think that there are plenty of athletes, entertainers et al who are good at their craft and donate positively to society. There is however, a point in time where after being in the spotlight for a while that you should realize that you no longer have alot of significance to the current slate of movements and conversations that are occuring in society. When you get out of your lane in these situations, that is where I think alot of famous people get in trouble. Notice that alot of actors, actresses, writers, thinkers and athletes sometimes fade into obscurity. Obscurity is not completely bad, these folks know their role and that role is not to contribute to the ongoing trend of self-servitude that alot of insignificant people engage in. Plus, if we want to hear good insight on politics, current events etc. consult with a Wolf Blitzer not New York or Brooke Hogan for that matter. Our society's continued focus on celebrity and their attempts at stepping outside of what they know best to offer insight continues to drive our society to increased levels of ineptitude and brain numbness.

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