Friday, December 5, 2008

Are You Old School?

Who remembers that slogan a few years back when Classic Sports debuted on cable? I think that is a very applicable slogan in this day and age when so much is way different than one remembers. As of late, I have been spending a lot of time on YouTube since I can’t find a lot of old school music on iTunes. Talk about a walk down memory lane, some of those songs and videos took me BACK!!!

What qualifies you to be or what makes you old school? What does it mean to you to be old school?

1 comment:

Kofi Bofah said...

Old school is a mentality.

I have been old school since birth.

Sometimes I feel as if I teleported from the Great Depression right into my mother's womb at 1980.

You have read my work before. You know how I operate.