Where is he now? According to WikiPedia he is still in the business as an A&R man for Interscope. Some of his more notable signings include Enrique Inglesias and Bubba Sparxx. Wow, still contributing to the industry after all these years? I wonder where the tight jeans are? Probably in a trophy case in his den! Today I salute Gerardo, the man once known as the Latin Frank Sinatra. Good to see you are doing well after leaving us such timeless music during your short run in the spotlight!
A heaping scoop of intelligence topped with humor and sprinkled with angst...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Where in the world is Gerardo?
A new feature from the Prof digging up and getting all in the business of all those whose 5 minutes of fame expired about 20 years ago or more. While watching VH1 and reminiscing over classic R&B videos, I jokingly asked my fiance what the hell happened to Gerardo? I got up and did his dance and had a great laugh! The only difference between my dance and his is that I wasn't wearing ultra tight jeans and pointy toe cowboy boots. I guess there was a reason he danced like he did, he couldn't move in his jeans and his feet hurt! You remember the song and the dance! If not, get you ass up and move with Gerardo, you know you want to! LOL!!
Where the hell are you
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Reality TV: Not my reality!

Some of the best examples of this are Keeping up with the Kardashians. When the show premiered, I sat down and watched a few episodes and found myself a bit intrigued and even laughed at some of the silly moments. But I couldn't relate (as is the case with most viewers) to rich, spoiled, complainers who bitch about what they can't do and what they won't do. Well hey, it's nice to have a choice! If you got money and decide to open a store because you ain't got shit better to do, where do I sign up for that!!! Sounds like a nice life to me but what do I know? I have to pack a lunch, punch a clock and take someone else's crap 8 hrs a day. Would be nice to not have to do that. In saying all of that, why are we so drawn to celebrity and their lives knowing that their reality does not in any way, shape or form matches ours?
Reality TV in it's most pure form should make legitimate celebrities. Those who can offer us some positivity, give us a model or an example to follow. My favorite show on the air now is Top Chef. Now you more than likely won't see the winners of this show on a lot of TV shows nor on Food Network (God forbid!), these chefs will leave and open restaurants and other culinary business which reflect the true meaning of success this country was founded on. I am always saying or asking who someone is and why are they relevant. Now that Jersey Shore has ended, Snooki is getting a show, "The Situation" is now a household name and a whole new cycle of false celebrity is born. If all it takes is getting punched in the mouth and inventing an idiotic dance is how one becomes famous these days, I guess I need to get in a bar fight or bring back the running man for 2010.
Food Network,
Reality Television,
Top Chef
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Why are we so sensitive?
During the election, candidate Barack Obama was constantly confronted with the simple question: "What do you intend to do for the black community?" I am sure that had to be a tough balancing act considering the pressure he was under from all sides. Appealing to voters of all races, creeds and beliefs, his own party, undecided voters and many interest groups who threw their weight behind him while running a historical race had to make him look unsympathetic to black voters. This question came up so much that in a conversation with a friend she pointed out that he is "running to be president of the United States, not of black America!" I agreed with this point and we all know the outcome of that candidacy.
Now it appears that President Obama is losing steam in his popularity while his politics have been a major point of division only an year into his presidency. Where are the dividing points? Well they appear to be kind of obvious, you have the Tea Baggers, birthers, right-wing nut jobs oh and Fox News at the most extreme, other Republicans who disagree with him "strictly" on political matters and then those who are on his side and may or may not disagree with him. After the loss of the Massachusetts Senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy, the backlash on Twitter was highly palpable. AverageBro, who I follow made some comments concerning the affect of this loss which I could agree with although I supported Obama and voted for him. Some of these comments actually LOST him followers on Twitter. REALLY? Now I don't know (and if you read this AB let me know) if these particular folks were black but I thought they may have been based in AB's reaction to their unfollow.
If that is the case, then why are we so sensitive as a people to criticizing one of our own? While the right conducts a witch hunt against him everyday based on conjecture, fear and hearsay we fail to stand up to unwarranted criticism. On the other hand, when there is legitimate room for debate on the issues of the day and how the president may or may not be coming up to par, we get offended and think that we are rising up against him. This is scarily reminiscent of how happy we were one year ago today during the inauguration, wearing our Obama clothes, dancing happily in the streets and packing DC to celebrate. Did Obama have a positive influence on us as a people? Well some of us I am afraid to say. How can we be so proud of one of our own becoming president but then return home and still do the negative things that shed such an ugly light on our community. Why can't we come together? Every other minority group, no matter what rallies around each other in good and bad, however we rallied, prayed and did all we could to get Obama in office and we STILL look like BET on some levels. Maybe I just figured out why Obama stayed neutral on What do you intend to do for the black community?" He can only do so much for us as a people, we have to come together and do the rest. Class dismissed...
Barack Obama,
Fox News,
Hummp Day,
Washington DC
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Professor Quick Hit: Another edition of That's my Dude

Hummp Day,
I'm Old School,
Quick Hit,
That's my Dude
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The NBA: Kill ya Selves!!!

Good gracious, could this be the most embarrassing day for one sports league in recent memory? So let me see if I have these facts correct:
1. On a flight back from Phoenix to Washington D.C., Gilbert Arenas and Javarris Crittenden played a game of cards. Said card game got a little testy (something about money being bet on said game.)
2. The betting made things a bit "tense" and the two "professionals" had a bit of a squabble but squashed the beef. This occurred on or around December 19th.
3. The Wizards had the day off on Dec 20th so there was no more squabbling over card game betting.
4. However, a full 2 days after the initial beef the squabble began again with Arenas placing three guns next to Crittenden and as a "joke" he told him to select his weapon.
5. Crittenden told Arenas that he had a gun. (Read: I'm gonna pop one smooth off in you!)
And now Gilbert Arenas is suspended indefinitely by the NBA, he looks ridiculous for bringing unloaded handguns to the Verizon Center (still in DC correct, where mofos get shot on the regular) to hide them away from his kids. I guess Arenas didn't read up on the 2005 NBA collective barganing agreement which states: NBA players are subject to discipline if they bring guns to the arena or practice facility, or even an offsite promotional appearance.
What???? How did you miss that?? Let me refresh my memory, you went to Arizona correct? They stopped teaching reading and interpretation skills when you got there. Damn, I am tired of grown, so called professional athletes resorting to the thug mentality to deal with their problems. I remain a basketball fan but sometimes the NBA pisses me off. Arenas is a veteran and that may not be a valid excuse (See Allen Iverson) YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER. Unfortunately, I would expect that thug BS from these younger players who go to college for a year or hell come right from HS to the NBA to act like they are working a drive-by after the game but Arenas? Maybe I should not be surprised at all, I guess this is the new NBA. Maybe the commish needs more in the collective bargaining agreement to deal with the increased buffoonery.
While we are on the subject of buffoonery, a former NBA player who escaped major trouble is back in the news. Jayson Williams was booked on a DWI as he laid in Bellevue Hospital in New York. Williams ran off the road and hit a tree and suffered minor injuries. Why can't these dudes stay out of the negative limelight when they are already under major scrutiny? I don't know what else could have gone wrong for the NBA today? Dennis Rodman gets a dating show? Allen Iverson has another "practice"rant, Latrell Sprewell comes out of retirement? AHHHHHH!!!!
The NBA needs to get additional standards in place to go along with the ones that obviously no one is reading. (Delonte West) The list continues to grow!!!! NBA...KILL YA SELVES!!!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Inspired by Gilbert Arenas and submitted for your disapproval...
From ThroatChopU: http://www.throatchopuniversity.com/ and ThroatChopU on Twitter: Gun violence, not good or funny. But there are a list of pro sports teams that should bring guns to the locker room to solve problems. So here is my list:
10. Denver Broncos: For f*ckin up a perfectly good season!
9. Pittsburgh Steelers: 2 words: Self Implosion
8. Chicago Bears: Jay Cutler should invest in body armor
7. Philadelphia 76ers: Hey, AI's back!! We need a shootout in celebration!!
6. Buffalo Bills: Nothing went right, starting with the fact you're in Buffalo!
5. Washington Nationals: What else can be said that hasn't been said about Afganistan...bombed out and depleted...
4. Washington Redskins: This one hurts me the most but it had to be said.
3. St. Louis Rams: It can only help...
2. Washington Wizards: They weren't #1? Ha ha, nope!!!!
And the #1 team that should bring guns to the locker room to solve problems:
1. The New York Knicks: They should bring some grenades and C4 as well...
Unfortunately every Washington team except the Capitals made the list. Maybe DC is now a hockey town again??
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A Professor Quick Hit
It's rather ironic that I thought about doing a Rush Limbaugh "Kill yo Self" blog and the dude almost dropped dead. Hmmm, I wonder what would have happened if I HAD written that blog? Oh well...
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