I had something...then I go to work and damn I cant find it! I am talking about my topics for blogging today. They will return soon enough and I have sometime tonight to sit down and give a nice blog that hopefully will not be about politics...but I always say that lately in light of the election and the results. As I always say...stay tuned! So in my ongoing effort to catalog my old blogs, here is a hummp day rewind for you! It is a short one, I had a thought about something and voila!!! Enjoy!
I think we all should write our congressman and senators to create and pass a bill where as a United States citizen in addition to all of the rights inherent in citizenship, we should also be given ONE Get out of Jail Free Card. The card has stipulations, the most primary or important one being that this card cannot get you out of anything that is premeditated, it has to be a spur of the moment type thing...like when your boss finally pushes you to the edge and you just cannot deal and you just decide to go upside their head just to prove a point that you are not to be f*cked with and they were wrong for ever pushing your buttons in the first place. I mean the card works great in Monopoly, maybe it could work in real life?
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