A heaping scoop of intelligence topped with humor and sprinkled with angst...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Random Bulls*it
Are You Old School?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Pimps? Damn, it's Hard Out Here For Everybody!
No disrespect to pimps (shout outs to Pimpin Ken and Bishop Magic Don Juan) but I went to Wal-Mart last night and I observed people shopping as I was and I saw the faces of sticker shock. I mean wages are flat (ain't nobody getting a raise and some of us work all the time!) and everything is steadily going up! Even the prospect of education which is supposed to mean a better standard of living is out of reach. We have to incur massive debt just to work hard enough to get by, in the words of Johnny "Guitar" Watson..."Aint that a Bitch"! But really, if you think about the song and I know you saw "Pimps up, Hos Down" is it really hard out here for a pimp? Technically, they ain't doing shit!!! I guess it is hard out here for a pimp to give orders! It is hard out here for the poor man!
Submitted for your disapproval:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Athletes Behaving Badly
The last person that I was thinking about was Adam Jones (AKA: Pacman) who is on his LAST chance in the NFL to not be thuggish when he is not playing football. He came out of college with so much potential, he was super talented but damn I guess no one outside of West Virginia University knew he secretly wanted to be a gangsta. Pacman is now back with the Cowboys and I know everyone who loves that team is praying he doesn’t f*ck up this time or its LIFETIME BAN!!!
What I find interesting about all of these stories can be summed up in one saying; “Money Talks, Baloney Walks”. Stephon Marbury will more than likely get traded to another team, but why don’t you try going on your job tomorrow, talk s*it about your co-workers and tell your boss what you ain’t going to do. Chances are you will be unemployed for a while as opposed to Marbury who will get signed by another team almost immediately and get a nice check to boot. The little man doesn’t have a chance and the ones with money and means don’t know how to act. Maybe being broke and working has some advantages! Happy Tuesday!
A Trip to Haterville
I was having drinks with a friend the other evening and we got to talking about work. I told her that I like my job, don’t love it but it is much better than my last job which I hated with a passion. It wasn’t the job so much, just a couple of people and the bulls*it I had to put up with from them. She told me why she no longer worked for the organization that I worked for. We both began there almost a year ago in different departments. Within several months due to turnover, she was promoted to a better position, more pay and more responsibility. She went from being at the beck and call of doctors and nurses to more or less calling shots. That caused tension from some of the nurses and it began a big game of he said, she said. Unfortunately in the process of trying to vindicate herself, she broke a company rule and her boss had to let her go.
I do not believe that anyone’s job is better than anyone else’s. However, I don’t understand how a person with a college degree, professional licensing and the ability to control life or death through their actions can HATE on someone who is trying to better themselves and just happen to be in the right place at the right time and inherits a promotion.
Her situation sounded like what I went through before I went back to school. I was hired at a “prominent” HBCU as a researcher in 2003. I had expressed an interest in teaching and within my first few months, an opportunity presented itself. I received the endorsement of my boss to teach and do lab work and things went along fine. At the beginning of our work relationship, things were cordial and fine. I shared work that I had done with my students and I felt like I had a good repoire with them. As I think back over the things the then chair of our department said to me, it appears that my boss and her co-investigator who are both PhD educated somehow felt threatened by a man with a Master’s degree who had goals of being professionally educated as well.
By year 2, they isolated me and made me look like I was the dead weight in the lab. Instead of talking to me about what they perceived to be a problem, they just decided to can me at my next evaluation. Now dont get me wrong, I admit I was not a perfect employee, but some of the accusations were downright outrageous. I had the backing of the Chair and the Dean although they were poweless to do anything about the situation. Out of all of this, it hurt that my own people did this to me. We are hateful and hurtful to each other as African-Americans at all levels of society; academia is much, much worse. It makes NO sense that someone at the top of the ladder should feel like that guy climbing the ladder, who took advantage of a great opportunity is a threat to their standing. How does that work?
It has taken me some time to get over that situation and for my friend I am sure that some aspects of her experience will take some time to get past. I have always believed that Karma is a b*tch, what you reap is what you sow. I believe that we both gave our best on our jobs only to get railroaded by hateful people. If you treat others with respect, that will go so much further in the long run. All I know is that somewhere down the line, karma is ready to jump up and beat down some punk ass haters. As the beat down commences, you will hear Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing” in the background. We are still here and despite the circumstances of the past, we are here standing stronger and smarter than ever.
Class Dismissed…
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh No! Look At Who They Let In the Backdoor...
Hillary does have the experience to reach out and work with others and that will work highly in her favor. What about the Middle East? How well will she be received there, especially in this crucial junction where the balance is so delicate these days? It would appear that Condolezza Rice was received well so maybe Hillary will get a heroes welcome. This pick will play itself out over the next few weeks leading up to the inauguration and into the first 100 days of the Obama administration. All I can see and hear until then will be all of the Conservative windbags bitching, moaning and stirring the pot behind this. As I like to say, stay tuned because as I write this blog I am scratching my head and wondering what the hell…
Saturday, November 29, 2008
P.S., I Love You Mary J. Blige...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Have You Had Your Pain Today?
I am a big Mary J. Blige fan; I have all but one of her albums. She has evolved greatly over her career as a singer and as a person. The major theme of her music has been the pain that she had to deal with growing into womanhood as well as those pressures after the fact. Add onto that the pressure of success after her career took off and that makes for a lot of stuff to write and sing about on her albums. But then that great day occurred, she found happiness through religion, a good relationship and I suspect some rehab. Then the music changed, it got lighter and happier. I am not someone who wants to see anyone suffer for any reason but my gf pointed out to me that since she has been happier, her music hasn’t been as good.
Does this mean that pain makes for better music?
Let’s think about that question for a minute. Take yourself back, if you don’t have a proper frame of reference, think about all of the movies you have seen about music groups (i.e.: The Five Heartbeats, The Temptations movie etc.) and reflect on the question. What are the common themes that these groups share? Love of music, talent, some members had tough upbringings but became successful, gave back and helped their families. Think about just that for a minute, the pain of just rising to being a success is good for at least three albums (in between writing some sweet booty getting ballads),
What happens after the success? As Biggie so eloquently put it “Mo money, mo problems”. These singers have reached heights that they could only dream about and now they have new elements of life (good and bad) that they now indulge in. Some singers continue to give back and live a positive lifestyle. Others want to life the wildest, craziest life possible with fast cars, faster women and the best drugs and alcohol money can buy. In the recording studio, there are more scenarios to write about and record as the artist(s) attempt to snort drugs off any flat surface they can find. On the flip side, some do this because it is an escape from being famous and it ultimately leads to an untimely demise. Or their demise comes from the drugs, alcohol as fuel to the fire (bad drug deal, getting robbed, getting shot because the drugs and/or alcohol told them they could be Big Billy Bad Ass etc) the permutations of scenarios just go on and on.
It seems to me not much has changed in regards to pain being a catalyst to writing music, I just think some of the more obvious aspects of this have, like smoking a joint live in concert or performing blitzed out of your mind. There is another aspect of this that hasn’t been discussed and that is how current music is affected, more specifically Hip-Hop. Pain has been a part of this genre for a while but it seems to be a part of it more so now. Maybe that is why Hip-Hop is in trouble, the trends that we see reflect a larger problem of the African-American community in pain. When the music goes from banging out beats on a park bench and rapping about partying and what neighborhood you rep to how many kilos you pushed and your gang affiliation is problematic and reflects the breakdown of fundamental institutions which bind us a people. At the heart of all of this is pain in many forms from childhood, upbringing and adulthood for many African-Americans.
Should we continue to buy into this pain by supporting these artists?
That is a difficult question. On one hand since Lil Wayne is what is hot right now the question that I just posed will not enter anyone’s mind. Most who listen to Lil Wayne are REALLY not thinking that deeply about the problems of our people (correct me if I am wrong but if this were false, maybe Hip-Hop wouldn’t be such a cluster f*ck).
On the other hand, isn’t it time for us to take this into our own hands and say ENOUGH of bulls*it hip-hop? I don’t know about you, but I am sick of all of these so called “experts” getting together for discussions which lead us to the same conclusions that we already know that the music and the trends it produces are toxic to our community, especially our youth.
One thing is certain, as long as there is pain and baggage, there will be songs to write and stories to be told. Will this be the ultimate form of dealing with your problems? Sure, we as consumers will be listening to an ongoing counseling session that WE are paying for, not the artist.
Hope you had a great thanksgiving, next stop Christmas!!!
Class dismissed…
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Who remembers this...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Excuse me, can I redeem this after I kick your ass? Hummp Day Rewind
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Livin' for the Weekend...The Week in Review (My 25th entry on Blogger!)
While awaiting election results, my remote control ADD started acting up and I was flipping channels. BET was covering the election results. Let me repeat that...BET was covering the election results. One word to describe this...embarassing! First of all, I have never seen such a large panel of no-names assembled ever in life (Jeff Johnson with this braids and baby hair edge-up was hosting), Second, they interviewed folks who in my opinion were out of their element (in fairness, CNN interviewed Will.i.Am virtually and I could have cared less what he thought, he sucks anyway!), Third, Why did Toure look like a broke ass Fonzworth Bentley? I think he knew he was going to be on TV, wear a suit and tie and if a hair cut is not in plan, smooth out the naps in the fro dude! His jacket looked like it didnt fit, with one button fastened. Fourth, their electoral map was on a board with pictures tacked on of the candidate and the state they won. I think the board was left over from Walter Chronkite's coverage of the 68' election! Nonetheless entertaining but it makes me wonder, why bother? I would have appreciated it more if they just covered the outcome and Obama's acceptance speech. Harsh huh...
McCain's consession speech was classy, someone made the comment that he isnt as big of an ass afterall. I agree, in 2000 he appeared to be the guy until Bush railroaded him. Only thing, he had to be a douche to get elected and that along with Palin dragging his ticket down it cost him. Well and W played a big role in this as well, but I think we all knew that! His crowd was a bunch of punk ass sore losers! I still dont think he has done enough to quiet their discontent over Obama. I think he will have to do more to address this issue and soon!
During and after the election of Obama, I have seen a couple of Conservatives who have surprisingly approached this positively. William Bennett, former Education Secretary said on CNN during the returns that Obama's election does show that there is and was never a Bradley efffect, it shows that we have made progress in this country but we cannot forget the past transgressions as we move forward into this new chapter. I was floored, the average conservative feels that whenever a black person makes it that automatically means racism is dead and that we need to "get over it" and stop being a "victim". I hate that, I had a friend who would always give me that argument when we debated politics growing up. I wonder if he still feels that way? It's ironic, he is a minority as well but as I would always say to him is that he would be better accepted in those circles than I ever would. Then on the View yesterday Elizabeth Hasselbeck, America's most tortured conservative said that she would support our new President. I about fell out of my chair when I heard that! I think not much more can be said to that but stay tuned!
I am trying hard to avoid as much news as I can at least until the inaugration. They are going to cover, discuss and scrutinize everything Obama does until then. If the man rips a fart, I think Dana Bash from CNN will remote live to discuss smell, loudness factor and collateral damage to the environment and his underwear! Geez, there are other things going on in the world like hoping W doesnt embarass us in his remaining 70+ days in office! We do have 70+ more days to add to the Bush lexicon, maybe he will create or mispronounce a few more words for us. I know a few English teachers have died from his poor grammar and speech.
This week, aside from the election has been a real cluster f*ck! I like (not love) my job, being a problem solver when alot of stuff goes wrong in a short period of time sucks! I think the only blessing is that my night call has been almost non-existant. (I am knocking on wood as I say that) I guess some alcohol consumption is in order...it's Throwdown Thursday and the Real Men Council is meeting...The Real Men (not the ROC Boys) are in the building tonight!! I think that will be a good way to blow off some steam, try to get reoriented and my head back on track at work and HOME! Lately I have been mentally and physically tired... the physical was from treking to San Diego a couple of weeks ago for a conference and you know once you get used to a new time zone, it is time to go back to your time zone. I wasnt dragging as much as I thought I would be, but it did take its toll. Getting back into the flow of work wasnt too bad, I just hate coming back to things that you thought were getting done and they turn out to be still outstanding. The mental has been a combo of work and home, I just come home drained. Then I want to relax knowing I need to continue my academic persuits and trying to keep happiness and peace in a long distance relationship is tough. Lately, we have been seeing each other quite often, alot due to football season but it is hard. I knew it would be, but sometimes it gets me down a bit. I am used to having my gf around (for better or for worse) but having someone there is always the more preferred option. But whatever it's worth, living here a long distance is better than being single in alot of respects.
San Diego was a great town, lots to do although I didnt feel like I had alot of time (the conference was jam packed and I had to present a poster) and my hotel was near nothing. I did meet some cool folks from other organizations and schools and the networking was awesome! And what is a conference without great swag! I got lots of pens, bags and a coffee cup that I have been rocking hard!
The Gaslamp district is where it's at, just bring alot of money because it is an expensive town! Lots of great restaurants but you will pay a grip for some grub! I would like to go back, the weather was great and I went off-peak so that was a plus. I would designate San Diego a good getaway to escape the fall or winter blahs, if just for a moment. Traveling has me thinking more about where I want to go in 2009. Hell, I wish i could go to Vegas early next year! Maybe a couple (or three) vacations may be in order in 09!
Thanks for hitting me up, i'll holla! Class dismissed...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Dial 'O': Change is here!
What's next? President-Elect Obama has monumental challenges and lots of promises to keep. He also bears the weight of many as he enters the highest office. How did we get here? Faith is how we got here, the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. We hoped, dreamed and prayed for this event and for this man. That should not stop today since he has been elected, it must continue from ALL of us! Together we said Yes We Can and We DID, now as our new President stated last night, the real work begins for ALL Americans, we must come together for as another great President from Illinois stated, a house divided against itself CANNOT stand!It's time to reach out and restore the hope, promise and reputation of our country. We dialed 'O' for change...get ready and stay prayed up for our new prez!
Friday, October 24, 2008
T-Pain...Kill Yourself!
This guy is a f*ckin walking minstrel show! Hmmm, I wonder who's worse him or Flava Flav. Well as much as I hate to say it, at least Flava Flav has a few women around him (A FEW) who look like something who are throwing themselves at him. (How f*cked up is that!!) Hey T-Pain, I heard you just bought a hearse. Put it to use, kill yourself and get in it!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sports Round-up
Prediction: Las Vegas and most experts are taking the Rays, I am going with the Phils in 6. Let me remind you that I am only as casual observer of baseball these days so if I am wrong...go to hell!!
We are one day from the start of the college football weekend and ESPN will have a SEC/Big East match-up with Auburn visiting West Virginia. I know Rich Rodriguez is probably thinking taking the money and running to Michigan was a mistake while longtime assistant Bill Stewart who took his place at West Virginia would probably like to be an assistant again!
Prediction: SEC is the class of the conferences this year; Auburn 24 WV 7
NBA and College BB back soon. Maybe I will follow College at least a bit closer this year but we will see. As for the NBA, can the 3 amigos and the Celtics repeat? That would be sweet! Kobe Bryant should go to Europe or hell...either one is fine by me. (Expect a blog for him if he decides to act like an ass anytime soon!)
No comment on the Dallas Cowboys...just keep feeding them the rope....
I'll holla back later, have a good remaining hummp day!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Joe Lieberman Needs to Kill Himself...
How many folks have to die for you to look fly? A Public Service Announcement
I was reminded of more bad driving moves this morning. On my way to work, I was stopped at the light waiting to make a right turn. I glanced into my rearview mirror and saw a woman stopping behind me and she was applying lipstick! Are you kidding me, I so hate it when folks are driving and combing their hair, applying makeup and shaving! Yes, shaving..,. I saw a guy once all up in his rearview driving and using his electric shaver. He was driving with his knees because both of his hands were occupied shaving. I am constantly asking myself, "Where is a cop when you need one, this motherf*cker needs to be pulled over and tickteted!"
This is not a man or woman problem, this is a people issue! What can you do to avoid killing someone while handling your grooming? Get you ass up early and get yourself together or got to work early and handle that. I dont want you digging yourself out of my trunk or someone else's for that matter. So please, dont dress yourself, apply makeup or shave while you drive. Humanity will appreciate you more for that. Thanks for your consideration. This has been a PSA for your own good.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The GOP and the Terrorist Vote
It always intrigues me how the GOP talks so much about terrorists, terrorism etc and put so much emphasis on either "Islamic Terrorism or someone like William Ayers who was a counterculture revolutionary from the 1960's. I guess the GOP forgot about Oklahoma City April 1995 where an American Citizen killed innocent people to send a message about his dislike of the government. I have said over and over that it is imperative that we put our focus back into Afganistan to stop the Taliban and catch Bin Laden but where is the real emphasis on cracking down on real home grown terrorist threats? I guess since Todd Palin was involved in a group that wanted to seceed Alaska from the U.S., maybe that would look bad for the GOP to address REAL terrorism. Since the early periods of our country's history, terrorism has been present. As we became more organized and "civil", this sort of terrorism (Racial=KKK) has been addressed, decried but nothing has been done about it.
In a post 9/11 world, we now focus our attention to making sure that the perpetrators pay the ultimate price for their evil act. The problem now is that the rhetoric has become a referendum on Christian, Democratic beliefs being superior to all beliefs thus setting the stage for more angry attacks by people who actually believe that FOX News is fair and balanced. I hate FOX News, it is the worse thing to happen to our country simply because it broadcasts it's bulls*it to people who CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES!! It amazes me how many people take what is dished out on that network and accept it as gospel truth. Dont get me wrong, I watch the news to be informed (although that is occuring less and less in all media outlets these days) but I actually take the time to process what I hear and try to discern what is relevant and what isn't. These are the folks who want to believe that Obama's affillations are relevant. Really? Do tell!!!
It is these same people who fervently back the GOP, scream idiotic threats at their rallies and pass around Obama Bucks in their GOP meetings. Did you hear about that one? So it appears that a Los Angeles GOP group thought this was "not racist" and funny to pass these around. On CNN, they interviewed a black member of the group and she looked like someone f*cked her cat! She was so hurt, but I wonder was she really that surprised? Yet another lost, black soul...Black Republicans need to realize your values may be the same but the GOP DONT LIKE YOU!!! Just because you moved on up, they still believe that you are the "affirmative action case." Sadly enough, another case of terrorizing voters to believe they will be better off with the GOP and that the black man cant get it done.
So who are the real, relevant terrorists in this country? Seems like if anyone is hanging with and stirring up terrorist sentiments it is the GOP.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Joe The Plumber needs to Kill Himself...
Friday, October 10, 2008
P.S., I Love you Sade....
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wildin out Wednesday: Blog rewind...yeah...yeah the Diddy Remix!
Yesterday I downloaded some new music for my iPod and when I went to bed I was listening to the music intently and it reminded me of times gone by. The good, the bad, the parties and even the alone times (like now). Lately as I ride the bus back and forth across grounds at school, the bus has been my time to listen to music, reflect, be entertained and as of late I have figured out some things about myself. As I sang Domino by Van Morrison, I thought about one of a few poems I wrote and thought I would share. I really never wrote alot of poetry because I never thought I was any good at it. But one thing I have learned, emotion is your best liquor for writing poetry. When you are in love, everything is so much more vibrant, brighter and sweeter. When love leaves, you can feed off of that pain, hurt and despair. Well because of both of those scenarios, I now have a bit of a small poetry collection. And I have managed to write a poem or two I guess you could say on the fly with just the raw emotion of the moment guiding my brain, heart and pen. I have recieved some good feedback and this wasn't one of my best, I think you may get what I am saying. Enjoy:
Music swirls around in my head
Many descriptions
Many sights
Many sounds
Years and decades gone by
Folks have stepped onto Terra Firma
Many have exited
Others have crossed my path
What were you doing when?
OMD told us what they would become
“If you leave”
When did you fall in love with hip-hop?
In the park
Probably one of the top 10 hottest
Summers I can remember
And that stupid DJ
At my family reunion in Pennsylvania
Sure, his music was the bomb
But his sound effects
And his mic skills were wack
If only I could download
What is in my mind
Onto a CD
These would be some of the best
Memories of all time
Maybe that’s why
I love music so much
WKG 7/22/03©
For more log onto:
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Real Men Council
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm No Meterologist, But It's Raining BITCHES!!!!
When she got dropped, one of the editors commented that her discourse does not actually add anything vital to political discussion. In other words, she is basically Ann Coulter, just the Asian version. And to top it all off, she is so self-hating, she told someone that she is not Asian but she is American! Ok, test that theory, go to the deep south and talk to a redneck and see what he calls you. I am sure it will not be American and it wont be a nice name you get called! She is the one who started the whole outrage with Rachel Ray and the scarf that she wore in the Dunkin Doughuts commercial saying the scarf was a terrorist scarf. Now I admit that I cant stand Rachel Ray and her damn EVOO but a terrroist scarf? I think Michelle Malkin forgot to take her crazy pills that morning. So yor contribution to political writing is comparing a Food Network star and her wardrobe for an ad to a terrorist? Get f*cking real, how about this...KILL YOURSELF!!!
Speaking of others who should off themselves, Sarah Palin officially crossed over into bitch land last night! How can you smirk and then start spouting off all of that folksy bulls*it after Biden almost lost it when he talked about his family tragedy? I hate to say it but if that bitch gets in office as VP, we have officially become the dumbest nation on earth! Help me understand how voting on your values is going to lower gas prices, pay for your kids to go to college and help you pay your mortgage? Biden held his cool and got the job done, I hope her got through to independent voters (how they dont know at this point is amazing!) that you should get with Joe and not the bubble head!
Poor Gwen, she was shook last night. All of that hullballoo about her book (which she has not even written the chapter on Obama yet...for the record) really took her off her game. She let Palin get away with her usuall game of duck the question and vomit GOP talking points. Some think this is the last time she will moderate a debate. I disagree, she may sit on the bench for a bit but I think Gwen Ifill will be back in the game, she is a good and respected journalist who had a bad night due to some folks getting their panties in a twist.
How about this, can we stop this downpour of bitchiness!!!!
People are Sheep...
As a public health professional, I am very concerned with the informational overload that is available to parents about immunizations. Just think, you can go on the internet and pick a link and read everything you want to (or many not want to) know about immunization. The problem with this is simply who is the source of the information? Now before I go on, I empathize with Jenny McCarthy and her child, they are both helpless in this situation because autism strikes without warning and no one can do much about it if it is not diagnosed early. From what I have read and seen, the odds of becoming autistic from an immunization is very low. Your odds of getting measles, whooping cough or polio (which is in the process of being eradicated) are much greater in comparision.
So what's my point? Jenny McCarthy has every right to tell her story, I would urge any parent who hears her story to not be caught up emotionally by what she has to say and join the ever expanding bandwagon of new age parents who have elected not to immunize their children. I think children in this day and age who are unimmunized are so much more susceptible to more than I was (and most kids) create a harm and risk to other children around them. You may not know this, but cases of measles and whooping cough are on the rise worldwide. Now honestly, if I had a parent come to me with a child with whooping cough and I was a pediatrician, I would have to pull off my belt and beat the cowboy s*it out of the parent! Kids cannot do more that what you provide for them...period! What you do in those early years will have an impact greater than what you could ever imagine. Dont be lead from doing what is right, ask questions of those who have the knowledge and can give you straight answers about risk vs. reward. If your pediatrician cant give you the right answers, speak with someone who can or go to the Vaccine Education Center of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for comprehensize answers. Because I dont want you to not have healthy children (if you have them) or as the title of the blog suggests, a victim of the follow the "leader" mentality.
How many crazy ass fashion and pop culture fads have come about due to this type of mentality? I always joke that if I was a famous Puffy-like media mogul, rapper, whatever I would test that theory by showing up for an interview in construction gear and then see how long it would take to see if every fool in the club raided Home Depot to get dressed for the evening! You got guys in the club sippin on Hennssey wearing a hard hat, tool belt and red shaded work goggles. We gotta stop bowing down to the media and find new role models...better yet we need to find those who are revelant, smart and are worthy of emulation. I remember growing up that I admired singers, sports heroes, I didnt want to be them. Thank God for that because as you grew up, you found out how f*cked up they were! Kids today want to be T.I., Jay-Z, PacMan Jones instead of looking up to them (although that is probably as dangerous!!). I wanted to be like my parents, family members and those in my community who were positive, those I knew, had access to and could relate to me. I think that is the missing link, there arent good role models and thus we have a somewhat lost generation. Shows like TMZ, The Insider and even once good Entertainment Tonight need to be shot and buried, they continue to slap us in the face with celebrity ignorance and irrelevance. Kill the messenger, the sheep can run free to think for themselves! Later...i'm runnin like OJ!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Stand Up
I had a chance to get home to see my folks, my brother and family. When I get home, I so miss the familiarity of place. Living in Charlottesville for almost 2.5 years, I know where some stuff is, but Hampton Roads is tattooed (figuratively) in my mind and on my heart and soul. Believe in the power of the 7!!! (757..STAND UP!!!). Ok, had to get that out..thank you for indulging even if you didnt have a clue what the hell I was talking about. Just go look it up on Wikipedia or something!! LOL! Things have changed so much, but they still have the same feel. Maybe I might not get back there anytime soon, but when (and if I get back) it is on like Donkey Kong!!! Believe that!
I went to church at my home parish and when I left, I saw folks in the neighborhood with Obama signs in their yards. This election, when you look at it has generated so much emotion, good and bad. So many African-Americans are excited about electing one of their own to the White House and will be at the polls to cast their vote on Nov. 4th. But what about those who just arent excited about this in any way, shape or form? You know what I am talking about, that friend or family member who says..."I dont vote, the government is going to do what it wants to do. My vote doesn't mean anything." I think it would be hard pressed for me to feel that way, being a student of history and the signifcance of what a vote means to me as a black man in America.
My parents were young adults during the Civil Rights Movement. Even before the change in law in this country began occuring, they told me first hand accounts of experiencing going downtown and not being able to use the restroom. Think about that, apply it to today's standard. You go to your favorite mall or shopping center and you cant use the facilities? Your money is good here, but our bathrooms are off-limits to you, denial of the simplest of amenities. Hearing that and knowing the history that occured made me so aware of what sacrifices people made and what others had to endure so I can go to the poll on Nov 4th and cast a vote. It really boggles my mind that our young people are so apolitical, their thoughts are that since we have "won" the civil right movement that everything is good and they dont have to keep fighting. Nothing could be further from the truth as we well know.
I am not saying that all of our young people feel this way. Remember the massive turnout in support of the Jena 6? I bet those rednecks never thought that they would have seen so many young black folks ever in life! But that is the point I am trying to make, why dont they show up in mass like that on election day? If we (unfortunately) subtract from the population the high numbers of our young who have been or are incarcerated, we have a voice that could potentially be one that could shake the political establishment.
Things are so much more open nowadays, but that does not mean that racism does not exist. Growing up when I did, about 20+ years after the Civil Rights Movement there was progress but I experienced overt and covert racism. Overt is of course obvious, covert is so hard to see and even harder to understand especially when you are young and believe that things are equal. Since that time, we have seen unprecendented events where African-Americans have risen to the heights of politics, business and other fields of endeavour. These accomplishments give us hope in the promise of America. However, when we refuse as a society (especially those in control of our society) to acknowledge that there are forces which still resist change, we remain stagnant and false hope is the message that is sent to our minority youth.
I dont have all the answers, I just know what I see. Hip-hop has declined into a quagmire of violence and mysogony which is seen by some as normal. I have never been one to blame any problem on music of any type, but it is not helping to motivate this generation politically or uplifting them. Music is an outlet, if someone has a tough life then what they expose themselves to should be inspiring them to something better and not inspriring them to engage in what seems to be "the good life"(being gangster, not wanting to advance oneself). Who do they turn to in order to see that positivity is beneficial, especially in a society where no matter what good may come, many will still believe that blackness is negative? I pray that on Nov 4th we decide that enough is enough and Obama's presence as a positive force will inspire us to elect him and inspire us to strive higher...onward and upward. Make like autumn and be cool!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mental Doo-Doo
I was talking with my gf who is a High School teacher and I was saying to her that I noticed something while I was driving to work one morning. Is it me or has the "short yellow bus" now become a regular sized bus? That is so not a ringing endorsement of education in our country. But I am a believer in public schools, the government does not put enough resources into our schools to make sure students get a world class education. Where does that begin? Well how about paying teachers a salary they actually can live off of so they can come to work and get some things done. That would be a good start. Oh yeah, and these new aged "helicopter parents", how about you put the fear of God in your kids so they can go in, learn something and not be spoiled brats in the classroom. All of this pressure we are putting on kids to go to Harvard, Yale etc., damn can your kids live!!!!!
The education piece does lead a bit into politics, I am so flabbergasted that the Republicans are behind giving vouchers so lower-middle class families can send their kids to private school? Wow, are you kidding me? I went to private school and guess how I got there...my parents WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF so I could go. It is ironic that the same party in the 1980's led by Ronald Reagan began a big blitz of personal responsibility campaigns where Republican Tucker Carlson-like douchebags in their seersucker suits and bow ties can look down the noses of anyone who worked for a living while these jackasses snorted coke, fucked someone else's wife and sat on their ass and make illegal money on the stock market. I am all for personal responsibility, we would be a much better society if everyone pulled their weight. But what happened to "pulling yourself up by your bootstrap" mentality of the 80's Republican? Is the voucher thing what we call "compassionate conservatism"? Hey, lets give all the poor folks about a grand so their kids can escape failing schools and make themselves better. Something is wrong with that logic: 1. How about taking that money and FIX the failing school(s). No, instead lets bleed money from the schools so kids can go somewhere else! STUPID!!! 2. How far can $1000 take you in private school? I think that will cover the first week, after that, your FUCKED!!!!!
Had to get that out...whew! Well night one of the DNC was interesting, Michelle-O was wonderful and she got rave reviews across the board for her speech. Of course you know that the conservatives had to give the company line about her speech so naturally they had nothing positive to contribute. I really try not to hear what they have to say, although it is good to hear both sides of a debate. What is grinding my gears are these IDIOT Clinton supporters who are threatning to either vote for McCain or not vote at all. If I had any say into that decision, I would say not vote and do me another favor. On Nov 6th, get all the sex you can get. Then on Nov.7th, instead of staying home, go to the hospital and get your tubes tied or get that Vas-D snipped....I so do not want any of you to reproduce ever again in life!! Fucking morons, they are so against Obama they will go vote for McCain. Well, I say if you do just stay on that side of the house! Seems to be working well for Joe Liberman! It amazes me that cons hate that guy and he is for McCain! This election unfortunately is and will continue to bring out alot of ugly truths, truths that alot of us still refuse to accept that race is squarely the main issue. So if it isn't his politics Clinton supporters, what you got left. Obama is a democrat, he is a man, he is a black man...help me understand the hang-up.
McCain has been comical and I am not referring to his late night TV appearances. Those ads are funny and seeing him sitting on his bus with a LARGE cup of Starbucks is quite hilarious! I mean do we really need someone his age overcaffinated and standing near the nuclear launch button? I dont think someone that old should drive or be President. Now, I revere and respect our elders in our society, but hey know your limits. At least McCain rides a bus, I dont think his popularity points would increase if he had to drive. Can you imagine that, him driving a car with his bumper stickers in the left lane of the interstate at 45MPH with the right blinker just going off...not sexy! Wasn't Captain John Smith his first commanding officer in the Navy? And yes, he knew Pocahontas...I bet he poked that hot ass! I jest about his age but this election is just beginning and I am hoping that we start to see how race even in teh most critical election in many years continues to divide us and maybe, just maybe we can become that united vision that Michelle-O talked about last night. This blog took an unexpected turn, will revisit as necessary...thanks for tuning in!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Takin them heads back...nah son, nah!
The Cussin blog or Cursing is for motherf*ckers who can't express themselves
I sometimes tell people that I speak three languages, Spanish, English and Profanity. I like to think I am fluent in the last 2. The argument is that people who curse are not able to express themselves in a constructive manner. In my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, I think it takes a really creative mind to string together a good line of four letter words in order to get ones point across. Think about it, we know people who curse just for the sake of cursing and those who can curse with a "purpose" and can clearly get their point across. Hell, if you are really good about it you may have folks scared to come near you because they think you are crazy. Confused? Let me provide an illustration to show what I am talking about. Lets look at a conversation between two people: we'll call them Jack and Jill.
Jack: Hey Jill, I had some Ice Cream sandwiches in the freezer were there any left?
Jill: Yeah, there was one left
Jack: I guess you ate it?
Jill: Yeah
Jack: I really had my mouth set on an Ice Cream Sandwich
Jill: Well, you can get some more.
Boring conversation, wasn't it? Now lets look at the cursing version of this conversation:
Jack: Hey Jill, I had some Ice Cream sandwiches in the freezer were there any left?
Jill: Yeah, what there was one left. What the fuck about it!
Jack: Shit! I guess you ate that last one!
Jill: Hell Yeah!
Jack: Well damn! I really had my mouth set on an Ice Cream Sandwich you greedy bitch!
Jill: Well, man up and carry your punk ass to the store and buy another fuckin box!
I think Jack and Jill really cleared the air and resolved their issues over said ice cream sandwich in that converation. What do you think? So in summary, dont think of cursing as being unable to effectively express yourself. Instead think of the four letter word as the pepper or salt of your everyday language. We can use cursing to wake up the flavor of our communication, better get our points across when used effectively and can be used as a very efficient way to provide a protective barrier by establishing that you are not to be fucked with.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Insignifcance wins again...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Early Retirement=Unpatriotic?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Rebuttal to Election Nonsense entry
Barack Obama: What's Black Got To Do With It? (April 7, 2007)
I was recalling in my mind a conversation that a classmate and I were having a few weeks back about Barack Obama. What she said wasn't terribly shocking but it really made me mad because it just shows me how much we as a people need to get over and get on with the business of improving ourselves for the better. She told me that there were some black folks who were saying that Barack was not "black enough" to run for president as a black man. I asked her to repeat herself because I really didnt think that was true what she was saying but she said that she heard it on TV watching C-SPAN. To me, saying something like that seems to be a double standard among my people and my classmate who is from Sudan was a bit baffled by the comment because she, like I was wondering how black is black? Let me try to illustrate what I meant by the double standard: Remember a little over 10 years ago when Tiger Woods burst on the scene and we were in awe of his golf game and all the potential that he had and has since delivered on, we wondered more about his complete ethnicity. So when he was interviewed, he more or less said that he didnt see himself as a black man but as Cablinasian which accounted for his whole ethnicity. Did he or did he not draw the ire of the black community as well as provided fodder for black comedians for his comments? Flip that to Barack who is American (born in Hawaii) to a Kenyan father and White american mother. Barack has said countless times that he is proud of his heritage, takes nothing away from being biracial but recognizes that he is a black man. And for that...he is seen as not being "black enough?" What a double standard, hell I mean we should be really be standing behind him for running for president because damn, I sure as hell couldnt do it! Leave it to us, hell if give the chance we could fuck up INSTANT Jello! Recognize this to all the nay sayers who feel that Brother Barack is not up to the task and you need to see his "brother card." If you think about it, he is more African and definetly American (without question) and we need to continually remind ourselves that as a people, we come in all shades, sizes and shapes, some of us grew up in the hood, in suburbia and all points in between. These things should be what makes us unique and more apt to learn from one another and progress. Instead, we choose to pick at the diversity of our people like a sore and pass judgement on who is truly black and who isn't. Like my ex-girlfriend used to say "you own your blackness" and it is weird to see someone who may not understand your experience but that is what should unite and not divide us. The 2008 presidential election is looking like it could be historic, dont let some petty foolishness drive you towards another candidate or worse, not going to the poll at all. If we have learned nothing from the last 2 elections is that we have got to make our voice heard or it will continued to be silenced because politicians are not interested in the group that makes no effort to be heard. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, black people lets start squeaking alot louder so we can get that oil!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Election Nonsense
So many have taken issue with the statement that Obama made about not looking like the other presidents on the currency. If you think about it, that is the basis of the attacks against him from the conservative talking heads. They attack him on his name (it sounds Muslim) and they use slang in a supposedly joking manner when attacking his policies. So once again, this isn't about race? Could have fooled me, sounds like race is at the forefront of the attacks on a candiate that apparently has few major weaknesses (thus John McCain's ridiculous TVad that started all of this.)
I feel that if you truly dont like Obama, his politics or just think this isnt his time, then I can respect that. What gets me is that many people wont vote for him not for the reasons I stated above but for arbitrary, silly reasons that have nothing to do with politics or the type of leader he can be. This pales in comparison to the divisions within the black community over why many will not vote for him. Dont vote for Obama simply because he is black, exercise some common sense. However, dont turn this into the usual debate about being black enough or having some sort of credibility among blacks. Whether you grew up poor in the hood or well off in the suburbs, there is one common thread that we have as black folks, the stigma of being singled out by racism be it overt or covert. Based on that, I think it is ridiculous to believe that Obama cannot relate to black people simply because he is biracial and didnt grow up like the average. We need to let go of this type of thinking if we want to truly unify and become a powerful voting bloc that is apparent among other minority groups. I heard a report on NPR during the primaries when they asked Hispanics about who they would more than likely vote for. One young woman said that she couldnt vote for Obama because she thought he would be more for blacks and that as a people we would more or less "take over". I laughed at her sheer ignorance and thought that it would not be in anyone's interest for Obama to be the president for one group of people and secondly we cant even unify behind him as a candidate. Hell, if he got in office I still think we would find a reason to reject him.
Obama had good reason to make the statement that he did. It wholeheartedly reflected the view of most that someone who doesn't look like past presidents cant be president. This is the view of alot of people whether they choose to admit it or not. This also reflects the larger issue that we continue to duck critical issues of race instead of dealing with them. Obama's candidacy I think will force some discussions to happen. We need to talk about these issues, it is the thing that continues to divide not only our country but it divides black folks even more deeply. I think this division is the one that hurts the most.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Common Demoninator is YOU...
A. Lack of communication
B. Ike Turner/Joan Crawford complex
D. None of the above...and stop asking me multi choice questions like we are in school!
If you picked C, you are either highly intelligent or you read the title of my blog. If you picked D, go back to Kindergarten!!! I think self-introspection is missing in our society, among people in general. You have to wonder what makes people so dilusional and unrealistic about their talents, relationships and abilities. Now, let me qualify this by saying that I believe that if you put your mind to something and work at it, it can be achieved. However, there has to be a point that where you work for something and if it isnt quite going so well or you arent achieving or even you get the same reaction everytime you attempt something where someone takes you aside and says "maybe this isnt for you" then maybe it is time to pick some new knitting. Working in academia for a few years, I saw so many students fall short in their goals and you want to be encouraging but when the failure is consistent and with little improvement in outcomes and personal habits, you dont want to give false hope to someone that in the future has a big responsibilty in their job and what they do (or not do) could affect someone's life in a major way. I appreciate self-introspection and those who recognize that they have limits and do not try to cross those limits. It is a character trait we more of, I can respect you more if you tell me you cant do something instead of doing it and making the situation that much worse. I think that is something we all can live with and agree on. I'm out like Cross-Colors...