Dear Mr. Steele,
Let me start this letter by stating plainly that I am NOT a Republican. Nor do I ever want to be. In fact, I have given express instructions to some of my friends to blow my brains out if I ever became a Republican. I think Black Republicans are the biggest sellouts and now that you are the head of the GOP, you have the dual burden of being the King of all Sellouts and Number one with a bullet on the Token List.
Yes...you are a Token, I guess you are the only one who hasn't figured this out! You think that the GOP has opened it's arms wide to embrace you as it's new leader. Well their thinking is simply this, America voted a black man to the White House so maybe we need some color to show America we are with it! What is wrong with that statement? The whitest most homeogenous political party on the planet wants to try to break the mold by electing you as it's chair....ha the jokes on you!!
You have NO power! I heard the interview and how you want to re-energize the GOP and give it "street cred". Hell, Ice Cube couldn't give the GOP "street cred", besides you aren't running this. All of the old heads (you know with the blue blood and white hair) are running this party, they get to parade you around as our "leader" so we can be cool, wack, booty...what is the lingo these "urban" kide these days?
The only thing I can give you any respect on was calling out Rush Limbaugh. I understand, it's hard to call out a fat, loudmouth white guy. It can be very intimidating, I understand because I went to school with alot of those types. But you stood your ground, you showed how you differed in philosophy and stated proudly that you lead the GOP (quietly you and I know different) but you made your point. Of course you knew that criticism would come, weather the storm and focus on your mission (of being the face of the party...ha ha ha) and that would get you through.
So why in the HELL did you apologize for what you said?!! You just got punked by Rush Limbaugh! Do you know how embarssing that is? That is like getting caught in a chase by a fat ass cop when all you had to do was slap his big ass and drop a doughnut...he HAS to make a decision!!!
With your apology, I think my point has been proven. As a minority in the GOP, you will always be subservient to the powers that be. Which always makes me scratch my head when I see you or Michelle Malkin or a myriad of other conservative heads who are in the minority in the conservative/GOP vein of thought. Where did it all go wrong? Why do you believe in the party and that they care so much about you? I understand having certain values but if you share values with a group of people who do like you, what's the point? You look like a freakin' minstrel, grab the tap shoes and sing for the man Mr. Steele. Bravo on your accomplishment, keep smilin and shufflin'!
I hear South Park is doing a broadway show, auditions for the part of Token have begun. I think you are a shoe-in for the part.
Try to keep it together, because you have NEVER kept it real!
The Professor