Turn to your Neighbor
(An ode to Black Unity)
Turn to your neighbor
and make a fist
and bump them together
like Barack and Michelle
Say “Neighbor,
I wish you well
The Best of health,
prosperity and peace to you.
Neighbor, lets put down
the guns, the drugs
the hatred, jealousy
Lets shoot each other
with smiles, instead of 9s.
Lets stand up together
For our schools
our 40 acres
and a mule.
Lets stand up for our children
and their future
Stop ending each others futures
and start loving each other
in the present.
Neighbor, I don’t know you
But I turn to you
and ask for your forgiveness
The stress and strain
of 400 years of oppression
has turned me
away from you.
But here we are
face to face.
Lets turn back
away from one another
and stand together
For one another
WKG © 2009
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