This guy is a f*ckin walking minstrel show! Hmmm, I wonder who's worse him or Flava Flav. Well as much as I hate to say it, at least Flava Flav has a few women around him (A FEW) who look like something who are throwing themselves at him. (How f*cked up is that!!) Hey T-Pain, I heard you just bought a hearse. Put it to use, kill yourself and get in it!
A heaping scoop of intelligence topped with humor and sprinkled with angst...
Friday, October 24, 2008
T-Pain...Kill Yourself!
This guy is a f*ckin walking minstrel show! Hmmm, I wonder who's worse him or Flava Flav. Well as much as I hate to say it, at least Flava Flav has a few women around him (A FEW) who look like something who are throwing themselves at him. (How f*cked up is that!!) Hey T-Pain, I heard you just bought a hearse. Put it to use, kill yourself and get in it!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sports Round-up
Just a quick shout out to all today! World Series starts tonight and the Devil Rays are favored to take the crown. It is good to see the Phillies back in the Fall (Winter) Classic again! Been a Phils and Orioles fan since I was a kid who sat and watched baseball for hours. I wanted to be the starting shortstop for the Phils, but a couple line drives upside the head drove me to basketball!!
Prediction: Las Vegas and most experts are taking the Rays, I am going with the Phils in 6. Let me remind you that I am only as casual observer of baseball these days so if I am wrong...go to hell!!
We are one day from the start of the college football weekend and ESPN will have a SEC/Big East match-up with Auburn visiting West Virginia. I know Rich Rodriguez is probably thinking taking the money and running to Michigan was a mistake while longtime assistant Bill Stewart who took his place at West Virginia would probably like to be an assistant again!
Prediction: SEC is the class of the conferences this year; Auburn 24 WV 7
NBA and College BB back soon. Maybe I will follow College at least a bit closer this year but we will see. As for the NBA, can the 3 amigos and the Celtics repeat? That would be sweet! Kobe Bryant should go to Europe or hell...either one is fine by me. (Expect a blog for him if he decides to act like an ass anytime soon!)
No comment on the Dallas Cowboys...just keep feeding them the rope....
I'll holla back later, have a good remaining hummp day!
Prediction: Las Vegas and most experts are taking the Rays, I am going with the Phils in 6. Let me remind you that I am only as casual observer of baseball these days so if I am wrong...go to hell!!
We are one day from the start of the college football weekend and ESPN will have a SEC/Big East match-up with Auburn visiting West Virginia. I know Rich Rodriguez is probably thinking taking the money and running to Michigan was a mistake while longtime assistant Bill Stewart who took his place at West Virginia would probably like to be an assistant again!
Prediction: SEC is the class of the conferences this year; Auburn 24 WV 7
NBA and College BB back soon. Maybe I will follow College at least a bit closer this year but we will see. As for the NBA, can the 3 amigos and the Celtics repeat? That would be sweet! Kobe Bryant should go to Europe or hell...either one is fine by me. (Expect a blog for him if he decides to act like an ass anytime soon!)
No comment on the Dallas Cowboys...just keep feeding them the rope....
I'll holla back later, have a good remaining hummp day!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Joe Lieberman Needs to Kill Himself...
So many Joes are on the s*it list these days! Now we focus our attention on Joe Lieberman, former Democratic Senator from Connecticut now Independent and Senate weasel. He endorses John McCain, and this makes you a true Independent? I know he is HOPING like hell that McCain wins the election! You know the s*it storm he is getting now, if Obama wins and the Senate increases their Democratic seat gains he will be lucky if he gets to chair the Senate Social Committee, let alone a Standing Committee. Mr. Senator, just do us all a favor....
How many folks have to die for you to look fly? A Public Service Announcement
One of the things that drives me absolutely batty are bad drivers! Man if the interior of my car could read back me when I am behind the wheel...ohh such horrible, horrible language! I think there is one person a bit worse and that's my gf. Where she lives, people get downright nasty and she was flicking folks off once in traffic. I freaked, she was like "oh, that guy is like 80!" I told her that I dont give a s*it, dont do that while I am in the car with you! I am so not trying to get a cap peeled off in my ass, old folks shoot too!
I was reminded of more bad driving moves this morning. On my way to work, I was stopped at the light waiting to make a right turn. I glanced into my rearview mirror and saw a woman stopping behind me and she was applying lipstick! Are you kidding me, I so hate it when folks are driving and combing their hair, applying makeup and shaving! Yes, shaving..,. I saw a guy once all up in his rearview driving and using his electric shaver. He was driving with his knees because both of his hands were occupied shaving. I am constantly asking myself, "Where is a cop when you need one, this motherf*cker needs to be pulled over and tickteted!"
This is not a man or woman problem, this is a people issue! What can you do to avoid killing someone while handling your grooming? Get you ass up early and get yourself together or got to work early and handle that. I dont want you digging yourself out of my trunk or someone else's for that matter. So please, dont dress yourself, apply makeup or shave while you drive. Humanity will appreciate you more for that. Thanks for your consideration. This has been a PSA for your own good.
I was reminded of more bad driving moves this morning. On my way to work, I was stopped at the light waiting to make a right turn. I glanced into my rearview mirror and saw a woman stopping behind me and she was applying lipstick! Are you kidding me, I so hate it when folks are driving and combing their hair, applying makeup and shaving! Yes, shaving..,. I saw a guy once all up in his rearview driving and using his electric shaver. He was driving with his knees because both of his hands were occupied shaving. I am constantly asking myself, "Where is a cop when you need one, this motherf*cker needs to be pulled over and tickteted!"
This is not a man or woman problem, this is a people issue! What can you do to avoid killing someone while handling your grooming? Get you ass up early and get yourself together or got to work early and handle that. I dont want you digging yourself out of my trunk or someone else's for that matter. So please, dont dress yourself, apply makeup or shave while you drive. Humanity will appreciate you more for that. Thanks for your consideration. This has been a PSA for your own good.
Driving while Stupid,
This is a PSA b*tches
Monday, October 20, 2008
The GOP and the Terrorist Vote
Today has been very busy, two incidents that needed monitoring (one that required management and documentation) made for a crazy Monday that went by kind of quick. The countdown begins, off to San Diego for a conference on Saturday. A long awaited working vacation (probably more vacation than work) which will be good for me right about now.
Everytime I want to blog, this freakin election keeps creeping into my space! A piece of me will be so glad when it is over but I have a bad feeling about all of the potential outcomes. First, as crazy as all of the rhetoric has been you know Skeletor and Gov. Dumbass are going to try to steal this one like ol boy W stole 2. Once we get through all of that then we have to assess what we have to put up with for the next 4, either those two continuing the do-nothing of the last 8 years or getting Barack and PRAYING that nothing happens to him. The GOP has done a great job in stirring up the nut job wing, yet the constantly deny that they had nothing to do with it.
It always intrigues me how the GOP talks so much about terrorists, terrorism etc and put so much emphasis on either "Islamic Terrorism or someone like William Ayers who was a counterculture revolutionary from the 1960's. I guess the GOP forgot about Oklahoma City April 1995 where an American Citizen killed innocent people to send a message about his dislike of the government. I have said over and over that it is imperative that we put our focus back into Afganistan to stop the Taliban and catch Bin Laden but where is the real emphasis on cracking down on real home grown terrorist threats? I guess since Todd Palin was involved in a group that wanted to seceed Alaska from the U.S., maybe that would look bad for the GOP to address REAL terrorism. Since the early periods of our country's history, terrorism has been present. As we became more organized and "civil", this sort of terrorism (Racial=KKK) has been addressed, decried but nothing has been done about it.
In a post 9/11 world, we now focus our attention to making sure that the perpetrators pay the ultimate price for their evil act. The problem now is that the rhetoric has become a referendum on Christian, Democratic beliefs being superior to all beliefs thus setting the stage for more angry attacks by people who actually believe that FOX News is fair and balanced. I hate FOX News, it is the worse thing to happen to our country simply because it broadcasts it's bulls*it to people who CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES!! It amazes me how many people take what is dished out on that network and accept it as gospel truth. Dont get me wrong, I watch the news to be informed (although that is occuring less and less in all media outlets these days) but I actually take the time to process what I hear and try to discern what is relevant and what isn't. These are the folks who want to believe that Obama's affillations are relevant. Really? Do tell!!!
It is these same people who fervently back the GOP, scream idiotic threats at their rallies and pass around Obama Bucks in their GOP meetings. Did you hear about that one? So it appears that a Los Angeles GOP group thought this was "not racist" and funny to pass these around. On CNN, they interviewed a black member of the group and she looked like someone f*cked her cat! She was so hurt, but I wonder was she really that surprised? Yet another lost, black soul...Black Republicans need to realize your values may be the same but the GOP DONT LIKE YOU!!! Just because you moved on up, they still believe that you are the "affirmative action case." Sadly enough, another case of terrorizing voters to believe they will be better off with the GOP and that the black man cant get it done.
So who are the real, relevant terrorists in this country? Seems like if anyone is hanging with and stirring up terrorist sentiments it is the GOP.
It always intrigues me how the GOP talks so much about terrorists, terrorism etc and put so much emphasis on either "Islamic Terrorism or someone like William Ayers who was a counterculture revolutionary from the 1960's. I guess the GOP forgot about Oklahoma City April 1995 where an American Citizen killed innocent people to send a message about his dislike of the government. I have said over and over that it is imperative that we put our focus back into Afganistan to stop the Taliban and catch Bin Laden but where is the real emphasis on cracking down on real home grown terrorist threats? I guess since Todd Palin was involved in a group that wanted to seceed Alaska from the U.S., maybe that would look bad for the GOP to address REAL terrorism. Since the early periods of our country's history, terrorism has been present. As we became more organized and "civil", this sort of terrorism (Racial=KKK) has been addressed, decried but nothing has been done about it.
In a post 9/11 world, we now focus our attention to making sure that the perpetrators pay the ultimate price for their evil act. The problem now is that the rhetoric has become a referendum on Christian, Democratic beliefs being superior to all beliefs thus setting the stage for more angry attacks by people who actually believe that FOX News is fair and balanced. I hate FOX News, it is the worse thing to happen to our country simply because it broadcasts it's bulls*it to people who CANT THINK FOR THEMSELVES!! It amazes me how many people take what is dished out on that network and accept it as gospel truth. Dont get me wrong, I watch the news to be informed (although that is occuring less and less in all media outlets these days) but I actually take the time to process what I hear and try to discern what is relevant and what isn't. These are the folks who want to believe that Obama's affillations are relevant. Really? Do tell!!!
It is these same people who fervently back the GOP, scream idiotic threats at their rallies and pass around Obama Bucks in their GOP meetings. Did you hear about that one? So it appears that a Los Angeles GOP group thought this was "not racist" and funny to pass these around. On CNN, they interviewed a black member of the group and she looked like someone f*cked her cat! She was so hurt, but I wonder was she really that surprised? Yet another lost, black soul...Black Republicans need to realize your values may be the same but the GOP DONT LIKE YOU!!! Just because you moved on up, they still believe that you are the "affirmative action case." Sadly enough, another case of terrorizing voters to believe they will be better off with the GOP and that the black man cant get it done.
So who are the real, relevant terrorists in this country? Seems like if anyone is hanging with and stirring up terrorist sentiments it is the GOP.
Barack Obama,
Chris RocK,
Election 2008,
Fox News,
George W. Bush,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Joe The Plumber needs to Kill Himself...
In brief, I watched some of last night's debate, just wasnt in the mood for that BS. I am all debated out and I knew it would get low brow and 3rd grade after a while and it did. At this point, if you dont know who you are voting for, kill yourself. This one isnt that hard to figure out. You either want something different or something old and crazy! One thing I need to get off my chest though is Joe the Plumber. Basically lets just say it, we KNOW who he's voting for! He's not voting for the brotha, him and half of the pop drinkin Midwest! Especially after FOX News decides to spin his encounter with Barack into a case of "he didnt give you a straight answer." And have you read his veiled responses to last night's debate...yeah he's on board for McCain! I basically say f*ck Joe the plumber, 250,000 a year! He must do alot of weekend work!
Friday, October 10, 2008
P.S., I Love you Sade....
What is there not to love about a super fine sista who could sing. Damn, I wouldn't mind having her sing to me all night. (You heard me, all night! We can do everything else in the morning!) Sade, where are you girl...and why havent you returned my calls!!! I am going to look into the where are you now file and see when (and if) she is dropping some new stuff. I need me a Sade fix!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wildin out Wednesday: Blog rewind...yeah...yeah the Diddy Remix!
Working on that new blog but thought I would remix one for you. This is from Sept 25, 2006, I featured one of my poems in this one. I have always enjoyed writing, even as a young man in school. I had a teacher who strongly encouraged my creativity and I had lots of it. I dont think much has changed in that regard but I have less time to sit in front of a computer and write my novels that I have started. I even have a couple of screenplay ideas that me and my ex were working on together but they sit in my laptop stagnant. I just hope no one pisses on these ideas before I can finish them. I never considered myself a writer of poetry, I would try but nothing ever sounded right. What I have come to realize is one needs inspiration...a muse if you will. So mine came from women (those I had met), life experience and well....SEX! Just keeping it real! If you are good, maybe I will dip into the raunchy collection sometime. Instead, here is my ode to my favorite thing...Music. In my last relationship, I was the music expert and my ex was the movie guru. In addition to her obsessive love of football, it was perfect! Funny how some stuff just doesnt quite work out. Here is the rewind:
Yesterday I downloaded some new music for my iPod and when I went to bed I was listening to the music intently and it reminded me of times gone by. The good, the bad, the parties and even the alone times (like now). Lately as I ride the bus back and forth across grounds at school, the bus has been my time to listen to music, reflect, be entertained and as of late I have figured out some things about myself. As I sang Domino by Van Morrison, I thought about one of a few poems I wrote and thought I would share. I really never wrote alot of poetry because I never thought I was any good at it. But one thing I have learned, emotion is your best liquor for writing poetry. When you are in love, everything is so much more vibrant, brighter and sweeter. When love leaves, you can feed off of that pain, hurt and despair. Well because of both of those scenarios, I now have a bit of a small poetry collection. And I have managed to write a poem or two I guess you could say on the fly with just the raw emotion of the moment guiding my brain, heart and pen. I have recieved some good feedback and this wasn't one of my best, I think you may get what I am saying. Enjoy:
Music swirls around in my head
Many descriptions
Many sights
Many sounds
Years and decades gone by
Folks have stepped onto Terra Firma
Many have exited
Others have crossed my path
What were you doing when?
OMD told us what they would become
“If you leave”
When did you fall in love with hip-hop?
In the park
Probably one of the top 10 hottest
Summers I can remember
And that stupid DJ
At my family reunion in Pennsylvania
Sure, his music was the bomb
But his sound effects
And his mic skills were wack
If only I could download
What is in my mind
Onto a CD
These would be some of the best
Memories of all time
Maybe that’s why
I love music so much
WKG 7/22/03©
For more log onto:
Yesterday I downloaded some new music for my iPod and when I went to bed I was listening to the music intently and it reminded me of times gone by. The good, the bad, the parties and even the alone times (like now). Lately as I ride the bus back and forth across grounds at school, the bus has been my time to listen to music, reflect, be entertained and as of late I have figured out some things about myself. As I sang Domino by Van Morrison, I thought about one of a few poems I wrote and thought I would share. I really never wrote alot of poetry because I never thought I was any good at it. But one thing I have learned, emotion is your best liquor for writing poetry. When you are in love, everything is so much more vibrant, brighter and sweeter. When love leaves, you can feed off of that pain, hurt and despair. Well because of both of those scenarios, I now have a bit of a small poetry collection. And I have managed to write a poem or two I guess you could say on the fly with just the raw emotion of the moment guiding my brain, heart and pen. I have recieved some good feedback and this wasn't one of my best, I think you may get what I am saying. Enjoy:
Music swirls around in my head
Many descriptions
Many sights
Many sounds
Years and decades gone by
Folks have stepped onto Terra Firma
Many have exited
Others have crossed my path
What were you doing when?
OMD told us what they would become
“If you leave”
When did you fall in love with hip-hop?
In the park
Probably one of the top 10 hottest
Summers I can remember
And that stupid DJ
At my family reunion in Pennsylvania
Sure, his music was the bomb
But his sound effects
And his mic skills were wack
If only I could download
What is in my mind
Onto a CD
These would be some of the best
Memories of all time
Maybe that’s why
I love music so much
WKG 7/22/03©
For more log onto:
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Real Men Council
You may or may not have noticed that I am co-writing a new blog with my good friend Uniqpoet. Unfortunately, blogger has temporarily shut us down because their system thought our blog was a spam blog. I have requested twice for a review and I hope we will be back at you shortly. And we were about to get into another interesting conversation! The Real Men Council came about from our conversations that we would have amongst the guys on "Real Men Mondays". Well since it is moving about, "Real Men Mondays" are just now Real Men "fill in the blank with the day". It is a cool outing, just the fellas getting together for laughs and real talk about being single, involved or married brothas in Central Virginia. I hope as does Uniqpoet that our blog hopes to ask funny and stimulating questions about life and all of it's ups and downs. I just wanted to get that out in case you have tried to look at the blog or saw it and didnt want to touch it. When it gets back going, please touch it...we would greatly appreciate it. Meanwhile I am trying to get some stuff together in my head for a new blog...hopefully the debate tonight wont piss me off and you get yet another political blog but stay tuned. Hope your Tuesday is going smooth...I like to call it Tepid Tuesday. On to Wildin' out Wednesday! I'll holla!!!
dude's night out,
Real Men Council,
Real Men Mondays,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm No Meterologist, But It's Raining BITCHES!!!!
Conservative pundancy is funny s*it, their one line is always to put the blame on all of the country's problems on the shoulders of "liberals" and minorities. With the Vice-Presidential debate last night, Conservatives began bellyaching in advance since they werent sure if Sarah "Stuck on Stupid" Palin was going to come through in a pinch for the home team. Their complaint was not against Obama/Biden but against the moderator Gwen Ifill and a book that she is writing. The book as I am sure you have heard by now is about Politics and Race relating to this historic candidacy of Barack Obama. Michelle Malkin, conservative lighning rod and general all-around blow hard b*tch wrote about this in an op-ed piece at the beginning of the week. Her analysis of the significance of Ifill's upcoming book (due to be released on Inaguration Day) was another rotten egg in the nest of conservatism. It amazes me how and why newspapers still carry her op-ed column. She has been dropped from a number of newspapers across the country including my hometown The Virginian-Pilot .
When she got dropped, one of the editors commented that her discourse does not actually add anything vital to political discussion. In other words, she is basically Ann Coulter, just the Asian version. And to top it all off, she is so self-hating, she told someone that she is not Asian but she is American! Ok, test that theory, go to the deep south and talk to a redneck and see what he calls you. I am sure it will not be American and it wont be a nice name you get called! She is the one who started the whole outrage with Rachel Ray and the scarf that she wore in the Dunkin Doughuts commercial saying the scarf was a terrorist scarf. Now I admit that I cant stand Rachel Ray and her damn EVOO but a terrroist scarf? I think Michelle Malkin forgot to take her crazy pills that morning. So yor contribution to political writing is comparing a Food Network star and her wardrobe for an ad to a terrorist? Get f*cking real, how about this...KILL YOURSELF!!!
Speaking of others who should off themselves, Sarah Palin officially crossed over into bitch land last night! How can you smirk and then start spouting off all of that folksy bulls*it after Biden almost lost it when he talked about his family tragedy? I hate to say it but if that bitch gets in office as VP, we have officially become the dumbest nation on earth! Help me understand how voting on your values is going to lower gas prices, pay for your kids to go to college and help you pay your mortgage? Biden held his cool and got the job done, I hope her got through to independent voters (how they dont know at this point is amazing!) that you should get with Joe and not the bubble head!
Poor Gwen, she was shook last night. All of that hullballoo about her book (which she has not even written the chapter on Obama yet...for the record) really took her off her game. She let Palin get away with her usuall game of duck the question and vomit GOP talking points. Some think this is the last time she will moderate a debate. I disagree, she may sit on the bench for a bit but I think Gwen Ifill will be back in the game, she is a good and respected journalist who had a bad night due to some folks getting their panties in a twist.
How about this, can we stop this downpour of bitchiness!!!!
When she got dropped, one of the editors commented that her discourse does not actually add anything vital to political discussion. In other words, she is basically Ann Coulter, just the Asian version. And to top it all off, she is so self-hating, she told someone that she is not Asian but she is American! Ok, test that theory, go to the deep south and talk to a redneck and see what he calls you. I am sure it will not be American and it wont be a nice name you get called! She is the one who started the whole outrage with Rachel Ray and the scarf that she wore in the Dunkin Doughuts commercial saying the scarf was a terrorist scarf. Now I admit that I cant stand Rachel Ray and her damn EVOO but a terrroist scarf? I think Michelle Malkin forgot to take her crazy pills that morning. So yor contribution to political writing is comparing a Food Network star and her wardrobe for an ad to a terrorist? Get f*cking real, how about this...KILL YOURSELF!!!
Speaking of others who should off themselves, Sarah Palin officially crossed over into bitch land last night! How can you smirk and then start spouting off all of that folksy bulls*it after Biden almost lost it when he talked about his family tragedy? I hate to say it but if that bitch gets in office as VP, we have officially become the dumbest nation on earth! Help me understand how voting on your values is going to lower gas prices, pay for your kids to go to college and help you pay your mortgage? Biden held his cool and got the job done, I hope her got through to independent voters (how they dont know at this point is amazing!) that you should get with Joe and not the bubble head!
Poor Gwen, she was shook last night. All of that hullballoo about her book (which she has not even written the chapter on Obama yet...for the record) really took her off her game. She let Palin get away with her usuall game of duck the question and vomit GOP talking points. Some think this is the last time she will moderate a debate. I disagree, she may sit on the bench for a bit but I think Gwen Ifill will be back in the game, she is a good and respected journalist who had a bad night due to some folks getting their panties in a twist.
How about this, can we stop this downpour of bitchiness!!!!
People are Sheep...
People are always saying that our society is going to hell in a handbasket. With the way things are going now with the economy, the current state of politics, an uncertain future with an upcoming election, just a general disregard for life and decency you can say that and it has been said for a long time now. We know the things I just mentioned are occuring on a macro level, I sometimes take note of the micro level things that signal the disintergration of society. For example, in a previous blog I mentioned how people who dont add up to a hill of beans get alot of attention for what they say, do or dont say and do. As of late, Jenny McCarthy has been getting alot of press about her struggle as the parent of an autistic child. The gyst of her book as I understand it is that she believes that immunizations caused her child to be autistic. I think her book and subsequent campaign to tell her story and TV appearances could be leading alot of people down a very slippery and dangerous path.
As a public health professional, I am very concerned with the informational overload that is available to parents about immunizations. Just think, you can go on the internet and pick a link and read everything you want to (or many not want to) know about immunization. The problem with this is simply who is the source of the information? Now before I go on, I empathize with Jenny McCarthy and her child, they are both helpless in this situation because autism strikes without warning and no one can do much about it if it is not diagnosed early. From what I have read and seen, the odds of becoming autistic from an immunization is very low. Your odds of getting measles, whooping cough or polio (which is in the process of being eradicated) are much greater in comparision.
So what's my point? Jenny McCarthy has every right to tell her story, I would urge any parent who hears her story to not be caught up emotionally by what she has to say and join the ever expanding bandwagon of new age parents who have elected not to immunize their children. I think children in this day and age who are unimmunized are so much more susceptible to more than I was (and most kids) create a harm and risk to other children around them. You may not know this, but cases of measles and whooping cough are on the rise worldwide. Now honestly, if I had a parent come to me with a child with whooping cough and I was a pediatrician, I would have to pull off my belt and beat the cowboy s*it out of the parent! Kids cannot do more that what you provide for them...period! What you do in those early years will have an impact greater than what you could ever imagine. Dont be lead from doing what is right, ask questions of those who have the knowledge and can give you straight answers about risk vs. reward. If your pediatrician cant give you the right answers, speak with someone who can or go to the Vaccine Education Center of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for comprehensize answers. Because I dont want you to not have healthy children (if you have them) or as the title of the blog suggests, a victim of the follow the "leader" mentality.
How many crazy ass fashion and pop culture fads have come about due to this type of mentality? I always joke that if I was a famous Puffy-like media mogul, rapper, whatever I would test that theory by showing up for an interview in construction gear and then see how long it would take to see if every fool in the club raided Home Depot to get dressed for the evening! You got guys in the club sippin on Hennssey wearing a hard hat, tool belt and red shaded work goggles. We gotta stop bowing down to the media and find new role models...better yet we need to find those who are revelant, smart and are worthy of emulation. I remember growing up that I admired singers, sports heroes, I didnt want to be them. Thank God for that because as you grew up, you found out how f*cked up they were! Kids today want to be T.I., Jay-Z, PacMan Jones instead of looking up to them (although that is probably as dangerous!!). I wanted to be like my parents, family members and those in my community who were positive, those I knew, had access to and could relate to me. I think that is the missing link, there arent good role models and thus we have a somewhat lost generation. Shows like TMZ, The Insider and even once good Entertainment Tonight need to be shot and buried, they continue to slap us in the face with celebrity ignorance and irrelevance. Kill the messenger, the sheep can run free to think for themselves! Later...i'm runnin like OJ!!!
As a public health professional, I am very concerned with the informational overload that is available to parents about immunizations. Just think, you can go on the internet and pick a link and read everything you want to (or many not want to) know about immunization. The problem with this is simply who is the source of the information? Now before I go on, I empathize with Jenny McCarthy and her child, they are both helpless in this situation because autism strikes without warning and no one can do much about it if it is not diagnosed early. From what I have read and seen, the odds of becoming autistic from an immunization is very low. Your odds of getting measles, whooping cough or polio (which is in the process of being eradicated) are much greater in comparision.
So what's my point? Jenny McCarthy has every right to tell her story, I would urge any parent who hears her story to not be caught up emotionally by what she has to say and join the ever expanding bandwagon of new age parents who have elected not to immunize their children. I think children in this day and age who are unimmunized are so much more susceptible to more than I was (and most kids) create a harm and risk to other children around them. You may not know this, but cases of measles and whooping cough are on the rise worldwide. Now honestly, if I had a parent come to me with a child with whooping cough and I was a pediatrician, I would have to pull off my belt and beat the cowboy s*it out of the parent! Kids cannot do more that what you provide for them...period! What you do in those early years will have an impact greater than what you could ever imagine. Dont be lead from doing what is right, ask questions of those who have the knowledge and can give you straight answers about risk vs. reward. If your pediatrician cant give you the right answers, speak with someone who can or go to the Vaccine Education Center of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for comprehensize answers. Because I dont want you to not have healthy children (if you have them) or as the title of the blog suggests, a victim of the follow the "leader" mentality.
How many crazy ass fashion and pop culture fads have come about due to this type of mentality? I always joke that if I was a famous Puffy-like media mogul, rapper, whatever I would test that theory by showing up for an interview in construction gear and then see how long it would take to see if every fool in the club raided Home Depot to get dressed for the evening! You got guys in the club sippin on Hennssey wearing a hard hat, tool belt and red shaded work goggles. We gotta stop bowing down to the media and find new role models...better yet we need to find those who are revelant, smart and are worthy of emulation. I remember growing up that I admired singers, sports heroes, I didnt want to be them. Thank God for that because as you grew up, you found out how f*cked up they were! Kids today want to be T.I., Jay-Z, PacMan Jones instead of looking up to them (although that is probably as dangerous!!). I wanted to be like my parents, family members and those in my community who were positive, those I knew, had access to and could relate to me. I think that is the missing link, there arent good role models and thus we have a somewhat lost generation. Shows like TMZ, The Insider and even once good Entertainment Tonight need to be shot and buried, they continue to slap us in the face with celebrity ignorance and irrelevance. Kill the messenger, the sheep can run free to think for themselves! Later...i'm runnin like OJ!!!
Entertainment Tonight,
Jenny McCarthy,
The Insider,
Whooping Cough
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